Franking Machine for Small Businesses
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When is it Worth the Investment?
Before purchasing a franking machine, many businesses wonder: Is it really worth investing in a franking machine? Small businesses often quickly answer this question with a no. The few letters that need to be franked daily can easily be done by hand.
But is franking by hand really easier and faster? And does it save time and money? Or is the use of a franking machine perhaps more sensible?
Professional and Efficient Franking
Even in the age of digital communication, many companies still handle physical letters daily. Offers, invoices, reminders, as well as general correspondence with customers and business partners can quickly pile up. This increases the time required for manually processing outgoing mail. Employees need to visit the local post office (buying stamps, etc.), which can involve long queues. Stamps must be applied by hand. This not only costs time and money but also frequently leads to errors, such as over- or under-stamping envelopes.
Saving Money and Valuable Work Time
Using a franking machine reduces daily mail processing to just a few minutes and ensures that outgoing mail is postage-optimised. Quadient franking machines feature an integrated postage assistant that helps you select the correct postage value. Over- and under-stamping are minimised, and returns and refusals are practically eliminated. Even small businesses with low mail volumes can benefit from the advantages of a franking machine. Investing in a franking machine becomes economically viable with just a few letters per day.
Use Your Outgoing Mail as a Brand Carrier for Your Company
While physical letters remain an essential part of business communications, most daily correspondence is sent by email today. Receiving a physical letter has become something special and receives more attention. Accordingly, the appearance of your outgoing mail should be appealing. Crookedly affixed stamps do not leave a positive impression and do not encourage interest in your company.
Stand out and make your business mail special. With a franking machine, you can add a personal touch to your letters through custom advertising directly while franking. Send seasonal greetings or highlight special promotions. Thanks to the high print quality, company logos or promotional messages appear clean and sharp on the franked impression.
Functions and Operation of a Franking Machine
Operating a franking machine is straightforward: Start the franking machine and use the user-friendly menu to select the desired postage value or shipping method via the function keys. Then, the letters are inserted on one side and come out on the other side already franked. The printed postage value is directly deducted from the machine's postage balance. Large-format items such as parcels can be franked with self-adhesive postage strips.
Get professional support for franking your outgoing mail with a franking machine from Quadient. Each machine is optimally tailored to your needs and mail volume, and impresses with user-friendliness, high functionality, and performance. Whether you have large volumes of outgoing mail with various formats and weights or a manageable volume of similar mailings: Efficiency is important in every business.
More Information
For an overview of our franking machines, visit the Quadient product page.

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