Modern Mail for Marketers: Microchips

April 6, 2018
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In recent blog posts, like this one, we’ve been giving you snapshots of innovative, modern mailing technologies inspired by the Irresistible Mail site from the USPS®. Here’s where we size up this month's topic, microchips.

Imagine your customer simply waving a phone over your direct mail piece and instantly hearing a sample of the music you’re selling, or watching a video demonstration of your product, or being immediately directed to loyalty discounts or coupons. Today, using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology—microchips—embedded in your mail pieces, customers can instantly engage with your digital content without having to download an app or open a web browser.


Embedded wireless NFC microchips empower your mail pieces with short-range radio waves that activate in the presence of an NFC-capable mobile phone. With a tap of a smartphone, your customers can seamlessly engage with your brand online.

In 2014, 28 million consumers accounted for $5.01 billion in transaction value.

NFC technology is an exciting, innovative way to communicate with existing customers and connect with new ones using targeted marketing. In fact, according to The NFC Forum, NFC is a simple addition with unlimited potential for direct mail marketing campaigns.  

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